The Washington DC Center for Neurocognitive Excellence specializes in evaluating attention, executive functioning, and related challenges. Many of our clients have questions about whether they meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD and question which ADHD test would be right for them. We offer two different evaluations and can customize each to your specific situation.
ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation
We created the diagnostic evaluation to help clients get an affordable and reliable ADHD evaluation. Too many people get their ADHD diagnosis after a 7 minute “conversation” with their doctor. That is not good enough.
Our diagnostic ADHD evaluation takes around two hours. It includes a conversation with the therapist, a number of questionnaires proven to assess for ADHD symptoms, a performance-based measure of attention, and a screening for other psychological conditions.
The outcome for the client is a reliable and concise written report by a mental health professional at an affordable price. Doctors refer their patients to us because they trust our diagnosis.
Comprehensive Evaluation (neuropsychological and psychoeducational testing)
Many of our clients need this evaluation for school support and accommodations such as Individualised Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan or for extended time on standardized tests, such as the SAT, GRE, or LSAT.
It includes an extended clinical interview with the testing psychologist; a battery of standardized cognitive, academic, psychological, and neuropsychological measures; and a synthesis of information from parents and teachers. It can take up to 10 hours of face-to-face time.
The outcome is an easy to read comprehensive report summarizing the findings and offering treatment recommendations. Our testing psychologist can also attend meetings, like IEP meetings, to present the results and discuss our recommendations.
Prices vary for each evaluation. Contact us for a free consultation.
We can’t wait to help you get the evaluation you need.